Bitty Bowl


That’s either a mutant lemon or a really small bowl.  As you probably guessed, it’s a small bowl — less than nine inches long (8 7/8″ x 3 3/4″ x 2 1/4″ high).  It came from this 5″ diameter branch of red maple:


I had been wanting to make a “model” bowl like this.  It’s a good way to explore a new design or experiment with proportions.  With less material and time invested, you won’t feel so bad about chucking the whole thing if it doesn’t work out.  If it does work out, you’ve learned a thing or two and now have a model on hand for reference when you make the larger version fit for a melon rather than a lemon.


Preparing the blank and the general shaping go relatively quickly.  I didn’t use an adze at all.  I did use an axe to rough out the exterior, but with a bowl this size a chisel and mallet can do the job.  The time savings is less noticeable when it comes to the finer stages and decorative carving, but is still a factor.


Maybe not the best fruit bowl, but still could be useful for serving small items like nuts or candy.  And the bitty size makes it a lot easier to pack and take along.


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18 Responses to Bitty Bowl

  1. Beautiful bowl as always Dave! There is no such thing as a lemon with your works of art! Tad

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Paula Marcoux says:

    Dave! Bring that thing to Buzzards Bay and I promise to demonstrate, repeatedly if necessary, how that size bowl is perfectly suitable for serving all manner of food dimensionally less than a lemon. It’s quite shocking the degree to which you undervalue its utility; and I will not even refer to its obvious beauty.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. francedozois says:

    Bitty is beautiful–

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Linda Davies says:

    I saw that beautiful bitty bowl and was reminded of that William Morris quote: “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” This bowl amply qualifies on both scores. My fingers are just itching to touch the grain! Gorgeous work, as usual.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. John Breiby says:

    Such a graceful shape, Dave, enhanced by the carvings along the side and the fluting along the bottom. Before I read the text, I thought surely it must be yellow cedar/ Nootka cyprus, as the color is so similar. Thanks for sharing your beautiful work!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Bob Easton says:

    Simply beautiful!

    No more excuses! Every time I see your work I am moved to attempt something like it, but then shrink back due to lacking froes and adzes, and putting off ordering such tools. THIS little bowl, and the thought of accomplishing something at this scale with existing tools has just knocked down the last of my excuses. THANKS for showing it.

    P.S. No need to worry about competition. Mine will definitely be different.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. nrhiller says:

    So exquisite.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Skip Florey says:

    Wonderful bowl…and the decorative cravings are beautiful. I like the hairpin carving on the underside.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Scott Thomas says:

    Beautiful as always Dave. Beyond that, Bob E. said it all, no excuses. Accept for the seeming inability to overcome the fear of beginning. However a bowl of this scope fits right in with the tools that I have at hand. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dave Fisher says:

      Just begin, regardless of the fear, Scott. Maybe it will help to be less focused on the final result and just be willing to explore and see what happens. Enjoy the experience of the gouge slicing through the wood. Think of the bowl as a bonus.


  10. John says:

    Your art is unbelievable and so pleasing to the eye. I marvel at your talent and find myself in need of taking a class from you . If I could carve something that resembles a bowl, I’d be ecstatic to say the least. Thanks for always sharing . You’re truly an inspiration to us mere mortals!

    Liked by 1 person

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